Local Okotoks Driving School ranks amongst the top 3 driving schools in Okotoks.
Okotoks Driving School is always seeking innovative ways to expand and create unique and rewarding driving programs. Our aim is to produce knowledgeable, cautious and reliable drivers. We coach students the right traffic regulations and inform new drivers with safety driving procedures and knowledge.
Approved by the Alberta Department of Transportation, the ChatGPT model or personal teaching assistant is Okotoks driving school new distinct feature which adds a great value to the students experience.
L'École de conduite Okotoks souhaite la bienvenue à tous les nouveaux étudiants voulant profiter d'un encadrement professionnel et apprendre à conduire en toute sécurité.
Since January 2022, we suggest students do 2 to 3 hours of EXTRA homework.
This is a significant addition to students driver education.
Links will be sent for the following homework:
*Q & A completed and submitted by lesson 1
*Road Rage management
*The psychology of driving
*View three videos
*You will find the links to the 165 multiple choice questions from the latest Alberta Transportation question bank In your welcome letter.
The 15 hrs online novice course must be completed before the in-vehicle driving lessons are started,
Local Okotoks Driving School has 2 Toyota Rav4 Limited Hybrid 2021 and a Venza 2021. IIHS TOP SAFETY PICK.
Okotoks Driving School management is willing to meet clients for a 20 minute consultation describing it's education program, credentials, licensing, mechanical fitness, insurance and police clearance certificate.